Today I walked into a small shop that sells custom t-shirts and designs. I had an idea on the top of my head (not unusual) and it was a spur of the moment thought based on a recommendation to check out this shop. I entered the shop, looked around at the displays, and even chatted for a moment with someone I assume was an employee who answered a few of my questions. I don’t remember if she mentioned her name. I know she did not provide me with her business card. A few moments later she made her way to another customer that came in and left me looking. I soon left.
I proceeded down the street to my favorite fast food, Chick-fil-A. I approached the drive through, ordered a gallon of tea, drove up to the window and was greeted by Kyle. Kyle said, “Hello Jeff, how are you doing?” and provided a nice smile. I don’t know Kyle other than my interaction with him a few times through the drive-through and Chick-fil-A. Kyle said, I have your gallon of tea and I also included a large cup of ice for you Jeff.” I thanked him and smiled while driving off.
The distinction is profound. One made no effort to connect and one has studied my buying habits, made me feel important by using my name and added more value than I anticipated.
Lost opportunity
The t-shirt shop didn’t connect. They had me for a show but decided not to put on a show. They failed engaging me by asking what brought me in the store or delighting me beyond my expectation. In fact they did not even meet my expectation. They also lost real valuable currency, the chance to connect to me and my social network by not getting my name or email.
What if?
What if they created a show?
What if I left with a “free” customer packet of ideas and maybe even a free t-shirt?
What if they obtained my name and email after wowing me and I received an email with a coupon and invitation to try their design service?
What if they provided a contest that allowed them to nurture and connect with me?
What if they kept in touch with me and provided me strategies and ideas for using t-shirts for business or social engagements?
They didn’t.
Kyle did. Who wins?
As usual, you’re right on and relevant. I loved this article as I see the value of it in everyday life. I am forever going into establishments that make no effort to connect. I share no excitement or remembrance of that place of business and may or may not return. The places that go above and beyond to make a connection have my attention, and even more so, my pocketbook. Thanks for putting this into a catchable idea. You always have and always do. I love you man!
Thanks Randy! I hope you are doing well.