Are you paying attention? You are at the moment, but only for a moment. You are not alone, we are all part of the “attention economy”. Wikipedia calls it “attention economics” and defines it as, “An approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity.” This scarce commodity, our attention, is affecting our lives and our income.
Due to short attention spans, a new way of connecting with people is required. Remember when it was acceptable to answer the knock of a door-to-door salesman? Today that salesman is ignored. Remember when you could hand out a business card and expect a call back? Not anymore. We are so bombarded with messages from everywhere that we sometimes ignore even messages we want to hear.
Because our attention span is short, we must be ready to deliver our message when our customer is most receptive and willing to consider our message. No longer can you send an email when you are ready. It may not get read! It has to be when the customer wants to receive your email. When we understand and answer the question of “when,” I believe you will enjoy a significant advantage of your message being heard.
So when is your customer most receptive to hearing your message?