Who is your customer?
Does he wake up in the morning and read his email over a cup of coffee? Does he pack a lunch, or head to Chick-fil-A with nothing but his laptop and a full inbox? How does she commute to work? Does she listen to music or podcasts when at the gym? When he has five minutes to spare is he on Twitter or Facebook? What do her weekends look like? What are his hobbies? Does she prefer a quiet night at home or going out on the town with family and friends? Does he read his iPad before going to bed?
What problem is he trying to solve? How does he go about solving it? What does she like to read? What does she care about enough that she is willing to pay a premium for? Is he fulfilled in his life?
[…] and advertising will never rescue a mediocre product, even water. But great marketing will help a customer get close to the brand. It will help the customer see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, and […]