I am a creative, a designer, a writer, an entrepreneur, and humanitarian. When you reach 50, they call it half-time. That’s where I am at. The first 50 years were almost a blur and the years went by so quickly. I have many fond and some not so fond memories of my first 50 that include successes and failures, eureka moments and valleys, joy and sadness, love and hurt. Along the way I’ve made some wonderful lifelong friends. My second half journey will be more intentional with the time I have left on earth. I plan to apply the skills and talents I’ve learned and am continuing to learn, to projects that matter most to me and in some way help change the world. Here I will share my journey — this will help me keep it vivid by having it in writing. I also hope it provides a spark to your own journey. If this sounds interesting to you, my hope is that you will follow along with me by subscribing here.