You never need to make hard decisions
The endless pontification about "Should we do it?" is replaced with a simple "Let's test it and find out!"
Our formula -- take an idea -- simulate the traffic -- see the potential --- implement it (as a test) -- decide whether to keep it.
We learn what we should be doing more of --- or what we should eliminate.
Testing is the stopwatch; your website is the sprinter.
We learn what works
Most web agencies design for beauty, paying little more than lip service towards the goals of the business and its customers.
We spend our time designing web pages that convert. In our opinion, good web design means understanding your visitors --- and your business --- thoroughly, then designing to meet both of their needs. And by thoroughly, we mean gaining insights through extensive testing and research.
It's fine to optimize for beauty if the insights indicate that your site visitors will buy more as a result.
What if . . .
You changed your service price from $1,200 to $1,295?
Your sales conversion went from 3% to 4.2%?
You added and Upsell Offer?
You added a Downsell Offer?
You increased your Opt-In Rate from 28% to 35%?
You added a Cart Abandonment sequence?
Your average CPC for Google Ads went from $3.50 to $3.00?
Effective marketers don't begin with a solution, with the thing that makes them smarter than everyone else. Instead, we start with a group we seek to serve, a problem they want to solve, and a change they seek to make.
Our calling is to make a difference. A chance to make things better for those we seek to serve.
You have the opportunity with Newsletter Marketing to serve people in a way that they need, or want to be served.
Let's Get Started
- Develop a Marketing Strategy
- Site Audit
- Keyword & Competitor Research
- Project Management Dashboard
- Project Meetings with Jeff Payne
- Marketing Report
- SEO Management Team
- Backlink Acquisition Management
- Keyword Management
- Pipeline Sales Management
- Systems Training
- Review Management
- Professional Copywriting
- Professional Blog Layout & Design
- Email Newsletter Marketing
- Custom Calls-To-Action
- Professionally Designed Landing Pages
- Case Studies
- Call Tracking Systems
- Social Media Marketing
- Contest & Sweepstakes Marketing
- Sales Funnels
- Custom Website Design
- Custom Website Development
- Dedicated Website Hosting
- Marketing Hub
- CRM Integration
- SEO Integration
- Logo Design
- Branding Elements
- Style Guide
- Social Media Banner Design
- Social Media Video Ad Marketing
- Google Ads
- Facebook Advertising
- Media Report
- Amazon Services
- Event Marketing - Tradeshows, Conferences
- Webinars
$4,500 / Month
- Develop a Marketing Strategy
- Site Audit
- Keyword & Competitor Research
- Project Management Dashboard
- Project Meetings with Jeff Payne
- Marketing Report
- SEO Management Team
- Backlink Acquisition Management Not Included
- Keyword Management Standard
- Pipeline Sales Management Not Included
- Systems Training 1 Per Quarter
- Review Management
- ---
- Professional Copywriting
- Professional Blog Layout & Design
- Email Newsletter Marketing Custom Development
- Custom Calls-To-Action
- Professionally Designed Landing Pages
- Case Studies
- Call Tracking Systems Basic Posting Schedule - Content
- Social Media Marketing Not Included
- Contest & Sweepstakes Marketing
- Sales Funnels Not Included
- Not Included
- WEB DESIGN Not included
- Custom Website Design
- Custom Website Development Not Included
- Dedicated Website Hosting Not Included
- Marketing Hub Basic
- CRM Integration ---
- SEO Integration Not Included
- Basic
- CREATIVE Not Included
- Logo Design Not Included
- Branding Elements Not Included
- Style Guide ---
- Social Media Banner Design Not Included
- Social Media Video Ad Marketing Not Included
- N/A
- MEDIA BUYING Not Included
- Google Ads ---
- Facebook Advertising Not Included
- Media Report Not Included
$8,500 / Month
- Develop a Marketing Strategy
- Site Audit
- Keyword & Competitor Research
- Project Management Dashboard
- Project Meetings with Jeff Payne Weekly
- Marketing Report Weekly
- SEO Management Team Dedicated Team
- Backlink Acquisition Management Dedicated Team
- Keyword Management Advanced
- Pipeline Sales Management
- Systems Training
- Review Management
- ---
- Professional Copywriting
- Professional Blog Layout & Design
- Email Newsletter Marketing Custom Development
- Custom Calls-To-Action
- Professionally Designed Landing Pages
- Case Studies
- Call Tracking Systems
- Social Media Marketing
- Contest & Sweepstakes Marketing
- Sales Funnels ---
- Advanced
- WEB DESIGN Advanced
- Custom Website Design
- Custom Website Development
- Dedicated Website Hosting
- Marketing Hub Advanced
- CRM Integration ---
- SEO Integration
- Logo Design
- Branding Elements
- Style Guide ---
- Social Media Banner Design *
- Social Media Video Ad Marketing *
- MEDIA BUYING Available
- Google Ads ---
- Facebook Advertising
- Media Report
$15,000 / Month
- Develop a Marketing Strategy
- Site Audit
- Keyword & Competitor Research
- Project Management Dashboard
- Project Meetings with Jeff Payne Weekly
- Marketing Report Weekly
- SEO Management Team Dedicated Team
- Backlink Acquisition Management Dedicated Team
- Keyword Management Dedicated Team
- Pipeline Sales Management
- Systems Training
- Review Management
- ---
- Professional Copywriting
- Professional Blog Layout & Design
- Email Newsletter Marketing Custom Development
- Custom Calls-To-Action
- Professionally Designed Landing Pages
- Case Studies
- Call Tracking Systems
- Social Media Marketing
- Contest & Sweepstakes Marketing
- Sales Funnels ---
- Advanced
- WEB DESIGN Advanced
- Custom Website Design
- Custom Website Development
- Dedicated Website Hosting
- Marketing Hub Advanced
- CRM Integration ---
- SEO Integration
- Logo Design
- Branding Elements
- Style Guide ---
- Social Media Banner Design *
- Social Media Video Ad Marketing *
- MEDIA BUYING Available
- Google Ads ---
- Facebook Advertising
- Media Report
The Best Marketers Find Out -- NOT Guess
The best marketers create funnels that counter each objection at the exact moment that the visitors are thinking about it.
The best marketers understand each function of the conversion mechanisms, average marketers litter web pages with best practices --- a practice that is far from being best.
The best marketers make websites that are marketing hubs.
The best marketers measure and test everything.
The best marketers implement changes frequently, insisting that changes be A/B tested to prove (or disprove) that they have grown the business.