Is your online success a result of on-page optimization? Rankings? Link building? Conversion optimization? Marketing strategy? Lots of original and relevant content? Great design? Great usability? Great customer service?
All of the above must be implemented if you want results.
Google boasts that there are more than 200 ranking signals being used, and at any time. There are anywhere from 50 to 200 different versions of the algorithm in effect. The weight attributed to these signals varies based on industry, location of individual, social networks, relevance, history of searches, personalization, and speed all factor in and change on a daily basis. Which really means there is no standard Google anymore.
For Google, ranking a website is all about trust. The more your website is trusted in the areas mentioned above the better it will rank. Just like any relationship, trust takes time to build, and one thing worthy of remembering — there are no shortcuts.