Everywhere you look you see different businesses telling the same story. It’s much easier to conform than to stand out.
But the things that set you apart — the uncommon and unmistakable — are what customers seek out today. And yet, we apply the same old tactics that only amplify our similarities and commoditize our offering, rather than risk inventing new value and creating a memorable experience that sets us apart.
I wonder if you replaced your logo on your website with your competitor’s would anyone notice or care?
Your job is to make sure they do.
Questions to help you stand out:
1. Are you easily found?
2. Does your sales process align with the buyer’s buying process?
3. How are you getting closer to your customers? (Remember: Permission is an investment.)
3. Do you publish content on a regular basis that solves a problem and is easily found and shared?
2. Are you leveraging new information sources to help you grow your business?
4. Is your marketing strategy in writing? Do you measure the results?
5. Are you consistently top of mind with your customers and those in your community?
[…] One thing the Internet has revealed is people are constantly in search of new. […]