We measure open and clicks, Facebook likes, Twitter followers, Google pluses, and number of subscribers.
It’s easy to advocate for things that we can measure. It feels safe. We can’t deny the result and it makes it easy to define the terms of ROI.
But what’s the significance of an engaging story?
The well thought out design that creates just the right experience?
The business process that helps delight and convey to your customer that you care?
The value of the joy experienced by a customer when they receive a handwritten note of appreciation?
The online resources that solves a customer’s problem?
These are generally thoughtful considerations that can’t easily be measured to an outcome. Therefore they are not a priority, there is other bigger fish to fry.
But what if…
We truly connected,
Showed some love,
Offered empathy,
Focused on delivering an experience one customer at a time,
Create a show worth remembering?
Aren’t these often more valuable to our success than the things we can measure?
[…] made massive investments in product names, packaging, obsessing over copywriting, thinking through details, shelf placement, and […]