A father used to say to his children when they were young: — When you all reach the age of 12, I will tell you the secret of life. One day when the oldest turned 12, he anxiously asked his father what was the secret of life. The father replied that he would tell him but that he should not reveal it to his brothers.
The secret of life is this:
The cow does not give milk.

“What are you saying?” Asked the boy incredulously.
As you hear it, son.
The cow does not give milk, you have to milk it. You have to get up at 4 in the morning, go to the field, walk through the corral full of manure, tie the tail, hobble the legs of the cow, sit on the stool, place the bucket and do the work yourself.
That is the secret of life — the cow does not give milk. You milk her, or you don’t get milk.
Marketing has a similar secret.
In marketing, you create the conditions for your story to spread so you can help people get to where they want to go.
Marketing is hard work that matters for people who care. It’s a chance to present products and services that lead to change. But, it’s never easy if done right.
Many marketers opt for hustling, hoping something sticks. At least you feel busy.
Marketing done right requires lots of thought and planning; it’s aligning the selling process with the buyer’s buying process, it’s about creating a memorable experience, and always asking, “What’s next?”
That’s the secret: A great marketing campaign doesn’t just happen.
Remember, “Cows don’t give milk; you must work for it.”