We live in a very competitive business world. The key to success in this competitive environment is offering our customers products and services where the selection process is simple, pleasant, and distinctive.
The availability of choice has caused successful companies to customize the customers experience. People like customized products and services, so long as the process or service does not feel intrusive.
Following are some insights on how to make the customization (branding) a powerful tool for creating loyal customers for life:
- Customize the features your customers will actually care about. Remember they want your advice but they want it to be attractive not a boring presentation.
- Make the process of doing business with you easy, and if you can, make it fun. Don’t make it laborious.
- The qualifier: Be distinctive. People will remember if you are different. They pay for distinctive. Being distinctive takes discipline and a lot of hard work to ensure value is added.
- Keep customers coming back by continually refreshing your offerings. Most websites are dead — boring and of no value. You must offer value and keep it fresh.
[…] it is too convenient to search. If this is true for everyone, then it only makes sense to have a well-designed presentation of your brand. There are several parts to your system which need a focus for readiness to present to anyone […]