It is surprisingly easy to forget sometimes the basic fact that people are the most important inspiration for everything we do. This is especially true when it comes to design, branding, and marketing.
We like good packaging.
We like the meaning behind a logo.
We like the cover of a book.
We like feeling important.
We like an authentic story.
We like to be entertained.
These are all stories — brand stories. These are stories that delight us, impress us, get us to care and like them — as well as get us to engage and buy.
Meet Reid Fogelson.
Reid is the Manager of Interstate Battery Center in Georgetown, Texas. The moment you encounter Reid you become part of his “brand” story. It is a story that engages you, impresses you, and gets you to care — and yes, to buy.
Last week my car battery died. With a little help from my portable battery jumper I was able to jump-start my car, but it was evident I needed a new battery after having to jump-start a second and third time in the same afternoon. I recalled some nice stories I read in the past about Norm Miller CEO of Interstate Battery, so I searched for them and headed to their store. The moment I walked in, Reid gave me a hearty and sincere greeting. My initial reaction was, this guy is good. He then asked if he could help me. Ten minutes later he had tested my car battery and then helped me with the information I needed to make a good decision, one that would solve my problem.
That is where most sales engagement ends. However Reid went the extra mile. He offered to install my battery and then did the unthinkable. He took time to get to know me. He asked me how my day was going and before I knew it he had me engaged and we were sharing stories like we were old friends. I learned he was an ex-Marine and that he loved working at Interstate Battery because of the values and difference the company makes to it’s employees and the customers they serve. Reid was sharing a brand story. He could have just pointed me to the battery section but he got me to care. He made me feel important. He entertained and impressed me.
Brand storytelling is intricate and evolves over time. It is the result of doing many things well. Improving our brand story is improving our likability. In itself it is innovation and the ability to heighten someone’s anticipation and pleasure.
Reid didn’t just provide me with a good first impression, he engaged me with his story — and now I’m a fan.
Does your brand story help me like you?
[…] the full story from Jeff Payne on his blog, and discover the power of good brand […]